NDML attended the Late Night Lunch at Anfield Stadium in Liverpool. The event was hosted by John Hayes, a hugely loved name in the late night leisure sector. The Late Night Lunch raises money for the Tim Bacon Foundation through an auction and raffle and generous donations.
A word from John Hayes:

“I cannot express my thanks enough for you taking the time out of your diary to see the Late Night sector unite for this Luncheon. We have almost 200 guests with us today. Business owners, stakeholders, suppliers and partners – in fact all the links needed to highlight just how fantastic the sector is and how we have a level of resilience that I doubt exists in any other sector.
Today we are here to celebrate the Late Night sector whilst raising awareness and money for the Tim Bacon Foundation. A charity that has it’s roots at the heart of the hospitality sector and continues to support individuals and families from hospitality and leisure – plus other industries. Tim is quiet rightly recognised as an industry icon – a word that almost seems to small to really justify his influence on what is good about hospitality. My own personal fight against cancer has highlighted the importance of the Foundation and the many other charities that support those individuals who are seriously unwell plus also the support of their families. They are an often missed casualty of every serious ill person.
Thank you for your support and a little extra thanks goes to Santi and his colleagues at Global Brands, Stuart and Robert at Riviera Drinks and once again Victoria and her team at NDML.”

Bruce Grobbelaar was the guest speaker for the afternoon. He took questions from the audience about his 1984 European Cup Final win with Liverpool and his present life away from the sport. The Zimbabwean goalkeeper also reenacted his famous wobbly legs, and took pictures with the guests.

Peter Marks was in attendance. He spoke on the cost of living crisis, how it’s the biggest current threat to the nightlife sector. It’s causing clubs and pubs to alienate the student market. And although Mps have good intentions, they don’t neccesailry know what they are doing.
Steve Markbride talked about operators and how there is always a need to keep moving, keep utilising the knowledge of younger staff members, and keep attracting the young market. Steve also took the opportunity to announce his retirement. After 53 years in the sector he will be passing his operations on to Yousef, a champion of the industry and friend of NDML.
John Hayes also led the discussion. He reminded us not to forget the older generations, and maybe by reducing music levels the older generations will want to use your venue to drink and converse. He also spoke on the reformation of bowling alleys; how his recent work has seen bowling alleys become a one-stop-shop for a night’s worth of entertainment – incorporating shuffleboards, mini-golf and DJs.
Partners included NDML, Global Brands, Riviera Drinks Company and the Tim Bacon Foundation.

The team at Lustre – Luxury Cream Liqueurs, were in attendance serving a selection of sweet liqueurs.
Riviera Cocktails from Riviera Drinks Company were also in attendance, serving alcoholic iced smoothies.
The Tim Bacon Foundation led the auction, which included amazing prizes such as the shirts of Les Ferdinand, Steven Gerrard and Paul Gascoigne.

Thank you again to John Hayes and the organisers of the Late Night Lunch, and to Anfield’s hospitality team. With NDML, the late night sector will never walk alone.