Unfiltered Thoughts from Night Time Industry Leaders
We are talking to high profile decision makers in the hospitality sector and gauging their unfiltered thoughts as part of our new Nightlife Unscripted Series. These videos are freely available and feature leading voices from the night time industry.
What is Nightlife Unscripted?
These brief interviews offer a true insight into the thoughts and feelings of nightlife leaders. The series will be based at events, fairs, conferences, where speakers have come with a mind to speak on issues facing the wider nightlife economy. The questions are opened ended to allow subjects to speak what’s on their mind and express their true feelings about the sector in its present state.
Topics discussed by speakers include:
- Government policy
- Nightlife business action and differentiation
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Sustainability
- Recovery in a post-COVID world
- The nightlife economic climate
See our various interviews below and learn what our subjects are currently focussing on and working towards within the night time industry.
Our most recent series is brought to you from attendees of Competitive Socialising: The Power of Play. See what VIPs such as Kate Nicholls OBE, Sacha Lord and Philip Kolvin KC have to say here…
In 2024, events NDML have attended include:

Interviews from CompSoc 2024

Nightlife Unscripted, with TNT Sports and Alasdair Collis
We attended the Competitive Socialising : The Power of Play event in London, Lighthouse Theatre, where operators and suppliers were exhibiting and accepting awards. We spoke to TNT Sports Business and their Director of Commercial Customers, Alasdair Collis. TNT Sports brought along with them the Premier League trophy, as well as a new Playstation 5 for a competition in combination with Kwizzbit.
We spoke to Alasdair about the rise of competitive socialising, and how TNT Sports fits in to help hospitality businesses deliver a superior service.

Nightlife Unscripted, with TNT Sports and Dan Willsher
We attended the Competitive Socialising : The Power of Play event in London, Lighthouse Theatre, where operators and suppliers were exhibiting and accepting awards. We spoke to TNT Sports Business and Dan Willsher, Account Manager. TNT Sports brought along with them the Premier League trophy, as well as a new Playstation 5 for a competition in combination with Kwizzbit.
We spoke to Dan about the benefits of displaying football and sport at competitive socialising venues, and how the upcoming summer of sport could be taken advantage of.

Nightlife Unscripted, with Base Performance Simulators
NDML attended the Competitive Socialising : The Power of Play event in London, Lighthouse Theatre, where operators and suppliers were exhibiting and accepting awards. We spoke to Base Performance Simulators and their Business Development Manager, Phillippa Harding.
We spoke to Phillippa about the rise of competitive socialising, and how BPS fits itself into the sector, servicing venues and late night events.

Nightlife Unscripted, with KwizzBit
NDML attended the Competitive Socialising : The Power of Play event in London, Lighthouse Theatre. The team from KwizzBit ran an interactive quiz, as well as multiple competitions throughout the day. We spoke to their CEO and Founder, Mark Walsh, who spoke to us candidly about the rise of competitive socialising and how venues can diversify their offering to drive footfall all week round.

Nightlife Unscripted, with SingPods
NDML attended the Competitive Socialising : The Power of Play event in London, Lighthouse Theatre. SingPods were exhibiting, having on of their pods in the venue for operators to try. We spoke to the Business Development Specialist at SingPods, Paul Saunders, who discusses the benefits of venues utilising services to provide competitive socialising at their venue, perhaps by taking advantage of lost spaces and by putting on competitive socialising events.
Interviews from NRB 2024
Nightlife Unscripted, with Sacha Lord
Sacha Lord, special guest speaker at the NRB (Northern Restaurant and Bar) event for 2024, spoke to NDML. Sacha is the co-founder of Parklife festival and The Warehouse Project, as well as Night Time Economy Advisor for Greater Manchester.
We discussed the recent news, or lack of news, on VAT reduction, as well as the possible coming general election and what needs to be done.

Nightlife Unscripted, with Alex Minett
Alex Minett, Sales and Marketing Director of Professional Security, was exhibiting at the NRB (Northern Restaurant and Bar) event for 2024. He happily spoke to NDML as we questioned him on how security fits into the wider night time economy, and how the challenges of the sector are also indirectly affecting those businesses that support venues.
Nightlife Unscripted, with Simon Barrett
Simon Barrett, Operation Director of Beer Saver, was exhibiting at the NRB (Northern Restaurant and Bar) event for 2024. He agreed to speak to us and we discusses Beer Saver as well as the wider nightlife economy and the struggles of venue owners.

Nightlife Unscripted, with Richard Monk
Richard Monk, Company Director of Aztec Coin Equipment Limited, exhibiting at the NRB (Northern Restaurant and Bar) event for 2024. We questioned him on the future competitive socialising sector and what pub and bar operators need to do to future-proof their business. Richard also discusses the recovery of the sector, VAT changes and processes which need streamlining.

Nightlife Unscripted, with Chris Wilkie
Chris Wilkie, Head of Marketing at Stampede, was exhibiting at the NRB (Northern Restaurant and Bar) event for 2024. He agreed to introduce Stampede to NDML, and we questioned him on the benefits of the business to hospitality venues.

Nightlife Unscripted, with Jane Atherton
Jane Atherton, Charity Executive, looks after all the day-to-day running of the charity The Tim Bacon Foundation. Jane wanted to talk to us about the great fundraising the hospitality sector do for a variety of charities, and why events such as the NRB and private events are so helpful.
Interviews from NTE Summit 2024
Nightlife Unscripted, with Kate Nicholls OBE
Kate Nicholls OBE, CEO of UKHospitality, and key speaker at the NTE Summit, took some time with us to explain what she’s working towards and how she hopes to accomplish her goals. We wanted to gauge her unfiltered thoughts on the visitor economy sector as part of our Nightlife Unscripted Series.
Nightlife Unscripted, with Philip Kolvin KC
Philip Colvin KC, Barrister and author of the recent NTIA nightlife manifesto, took some time away from speaking on the mains stage to discuss his aims with us. We wanted to gauge his unfiltered thoughts on the visitor economy sector as part of our Nightlife Unscripted Series.
Nightlife Unscripted, with Ariel Palitz
We spoke to Ariel Palitz, Global Hospitality & Government Consultant, and key speaker at the NTE Summit, took some time with us to explain what she’s working towards and how she hopes to accomplish her goals. We wanted to gauge her unfiltered thoughts on the visitor economy sector as part of our Nightlife Unscripted Series.
Nightlife Unscripted, with DJ Aitch B
We spoke to DJ Aitch B, 2024 Mobo Award winner and key speaker at the NTE Summit. We discuss his thoughts on the current nightlife experience, the cultivation of homegrown talent, and the importance of celebrating a range of music genre.
Nightlife Unscripted, with Katy Porter
Katy Porter, Chief Executive Officer of The Loop and speaker at the NTE event, took some time to speak on what they’ve come to learn. We wanted to gauge her unfiltered thoughts on the visitor economy sector as part of our Nightlife Unscripted Series.
Nightlife Unscripted, with Andrew Fleming-Brown
Andrew Fleming-Brown, Director of Glasgow’s SWG3, also known as Mutley, found us at the event and took some time to speak on what’s he’s come to learn. We wanted to gauge his unfiltered thoughts on the visitor economy sector as part of our Nightlife Unscripted Series.
Interviews from BARBI Bristol 2024
Nightlife Unscripted, with Carla Denyer
We talked to Carla Denyer, Green Party Leader, who was speaking at the event about sustainability in the nightlife economy. We wanted to gauge her unfiltered thoughts as part of our new Nightlife Unscripted series.
Nightlife Unscripted, with Martin Murray
We talked to Martin Murray, #Savenightlife ambassador, who was speaking at the event about safeguarding and trends within the nightlife economy. We wanted to gauge his unfiltered thoughts as part of our new Nightlife Unscripted series.
Nightlife Unscripted, with Leighton De Burca
We talked to Leighton De Burca, of Night Watch Bristol, who was speaking at the event about policies and the nightlife economy. We wanted to gauge his unfiltered thoughts as part of our new Nightlife Unscripted series.
Nightlife Unscripted, with James Hudson
We talked to James Hudson, Manager of Bristol Dry Gin Distillery, who was speaking at the event about sustainable action for nightlife businesses. We wanted to gauge his unfiltered thoughts on the sector as part of our new Nightlife Unscripted Series.
Nightlife Unscripted, with Kathryn Davis
We talked to Kathryn Davis, Managing Director of Visit West, who was speaking at the BARBI Bristol about support for nightlife businesses. We wanted to gauge her unfiltered thoughts on the visitor economy sector as part of our new Nightlife Unscripted Series.
Nightlife Unscripted, with Dan Mills
We talked to Dan Mills, Head of Commercial, who was exhibiting at the BARBI Trade Event in Bristol on behalf of Visit West. We wanted to gauge his unfiltered thoughts on the visitor economy sector as part of our new Nightlife Unscripted Series.