We’ve been waiting months for our industry to be allowed to reopen. And now, finally, the government has given us a date. On 4th July 2020, pubs, restaurants, hotels and other businesses within the leisure industry will be able to open with necessary precautions in place.
The situation is unique, and there are likely to be new pressures and enhanced safety measures to put in place to make sure your venue is safe for both staff and customers.
That’s why NDML has developed the ultimate guide to re-opening your venue safely.
Our COVID-19 re-opening handbook includes guidance on:
- Health & Safety and Risk Management
Take a look at our re-opening toolkit, including COVID-19 risk assessment, to ensure you can effectively reduce the risk to your employees and customers to an acceptable level.
The information includes bringing your people back to work safely, such as completing a screening questionnaire, providing clear staff instructions, the use of PPE and looking after employee mental health. It also details what infection control measures you should implement, including day-to-day changes that will need to be put in place.
- HR & Employment
Venues may have questions surrounding the best way to support the workforce in these challenging times. We discuss the various ways to manage staff whilst complying with the specifications of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.
- Operational Advice
What measures should be put in place to ensure your venue is operating safely? Print out and complete our checklist to ensure you don’t miss any key safety procedures.
- Re-opening checklist
This will make sure your premises is up to scratch ahead of re-opening. The checklist includes advice on ensuring your buildings and external spaces are safe as you recommission your venue.
- Wellbeing and supporting your team
Working in a high stress job with disruptive shift patterns can have a detrimental impact on employee wellbeing. Read our tips on implementing an effective wellbeing strategy to help support your people.
- Risk Assessments
You are legally obliged to undertake a comprehensive risk assessment for your venue. Take a look at our example risk assessment and risk assessment template which will help you to understand the measures you should be putting in place. This should be adapted and completed for your venue prior to re-opening.
Let’s reopen!
Download our handbook and begin planning for your grand reopening! For more guidance and advice, please contact the NDML team.